Strengthening Your Environment Through Strong Cyber Security

Strengthening Your Environment Through Strong Cyber Security

Our Services

Risk Analysis

  • Continuous Monitoring
  • Vulnerability Analysis
  • Security Management Tools

Why carry out a cybersecurity risk assessment?

Risk assessment – the process of identifying, analyzing and evaluating risk – is the only way to ensure that the cybersecurity controls you choose are appropriate to the risks your organization faces.

Without a risk assessment to inform your cybersecurity choices, you could waste time, effort and resources – there is, after all, little point implementing measures to defend against events that are unlikely to occur or won’t have much material impact on your organization. It is also possible that you will underestimate or overlook risks that could cause significant damage to your organization.

What does a cybersecurity risk assessment include?

A cybersecurity risk assessment identifies the various information assets that could be affected by a cyber-attack (such as hardware, systems, laptops, customer data, and intellectual property), and then identifies the various risks that could affect those assets.

A risk estimation and evaluation is usually performed, followed by the selection of controls to treat the identified risks. It is important to continually monitor and review the risk environment to detect any changes in the context of the organization, and to maintain an overview of the complete risk management process.

Information Assurance

  • Certification & Accreditation
  • Risk Management Framework
  • Cloud Certification
  • Security Consulting
  • The Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP)
  • System Audit

Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) Security Technical Implementation Guides (STIG) provide configurable operational security guidance for products being used by the DoD. STIGs, along with vendor documentation, provide a basis for assessing compliance with Cybersecurity controls/control enhancements which supports system Assessment and Authorization (A&A) under the DoD Risk Management Framework (RMF).

System Integration & Design

  • System Hardening
  • System Installation
  • Security Review
  • Software & Hardware Evaluation

What is cyber systems integration?

Cyber Systems Integration means creating one cybersecurity framework that covers numerous cyber threats. These frameworks require the seamless integration of best-of-breed security tools within network, wireless, application and data environments.

Strong Security leverages our experience with implementing best-of-breed cybersecurity products for large U.S. government agencies, international institutions and commercial corporations to recommend an integrated cybersecurity framework that is the best fit for a given customer.

Our architectures are based on mission requirements, compliance obligations and budgetary constraints. Our team of dedicated cyber professionals provide the industry’s best solution for premium tailored protection and response.

Strong Security solves these problems!

Our Approach: 

Our integrated framework provides comprehensive cyber capabilities such as machine learning and big data analytics, security information and event management systems, antivirus, antimalware, network data loss prevention, end-point protection, knowledge and firewall management, intrusion detection and prevention services, network behavioral analysis and threat intelligence, insider threat detection, digital forensics and incident  response, and basic and advanced cyber training.

Customizable options and services provide the building blocks to meet specific needs and evolving mission requirements.

Primary Response Center that is tailorable, and scalable and provides strong monitoring and incident response capability as an extension to existing infrastructure.

Enterprise Response Center that builds upon the Primary Response Center capability by incorporating cross-site information sharing and analysis labs for malware, forensics and cyber range experimentation. These test and analysis environments are scalable to tens of thousands of end nodes and capable of geographic dispersion.

National Response Center that expands the Enterprise Response Center capability with big data analytics, international gateways, nation-scale exercises and training, and national-level computer incident response.

Other optional services include full system assessments, cyber defense testing, mobile testing, knowledge transfer and training, real-time analytics, adding cyber to C4ISR, ensuring compliance with government regulations and building IT infrastructure.

What's next?

As the world continues to become more connected, cyber threats will continue to proliferate throughout our governments, armed services and industry. Strong Security will continue to innovate, bring advanced solutions to the market and stay one step ahead of the latest attacks.

Our customizable options and services meet specific needs and evolving mission requirements.  Our consultative approach ensures a seamless transition and implementation and that the mission will be matched to the right set of pre-integrated, preconfigured products and services at scope and scale.

What To Expect From Our RMF Process


Step 1: Categorize Information System

The purpose of the Categorize Step is to guide and inform subsequent risk management processes and tasks by determining the adverse impact or consequences to the organization with respect to the compromise or loss of organizational assets; including the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of organizational systems and the information processed, stored, and transmitted by those systems.

SSecurity Solutions:

Pre-mapped FIPS 199 information types

Pre-mapped NIST SP 800-60 information types

Readymade justifications to lower Provisional Impact Levels


Step 2: Select Security Controls

The purpose of the Select Step is to identify, select, tailor, and document the security and privacy controls necessary to protect the system and the organization commensurate with the risk to organizational operations and assets, individuals, other organizations, and the Nation.

We tailor the controls to fit your environment

Tailored and ready to import Inheritance models

Tailored Controls based on system architecture

Develop Implementation Plan imports

Perform System Level Continuous Monitoring


Step 3: Implement Security Controls

The purpose of the Implement Step is to ensure Security controls are implemented consistent with DoD and DoD Component IA architectures and standards, employing system and software engineering methodologies, security engineering principles, and secure coding techniques.

Our Efficiencies:

STIG Implementation

Develop Artifact Repository

Trace artifacts to test cases

Documentation all updates


Step 4: Assess Security Controls

The purpose of the Assess Step is to use the appropriate assessment procedures to determine the extent to which the controls are implemented correctly, operating as intended and producing the desired outcome with respect to meeting the security requirements for the system.

SSecurity Solutions:

Automate STIG assessment using Scap tool

Documentation & Review all findings

Validate all Controls


Step 5: Authorize Information System

The purpose of the Authorize Step is to determine if the risk to organizational operations, organizational assets, individuals, other organizations, or the Nation is acceptable.

Our Solution:

Deliverables enabled authorizing official to make decisions quickly

Reduce time by providing quality deliveries

Quickly and efficiently answer Authorizing Official questions

Make requested updates to the RMF deliverables in a expedite manner


Step 6: Monitor Security Controls

The purpose of the Monitor Step is to maintain an ongoing situational awareness about the security and privacy posture of the system and the organization in support of risk management decisions.

Our Solutions:

Provide automated scans for POA&M and Risk Assessment

Automate identification of hardware and software changes

Provide documentation updates

Conduct inside threat analysis